Robert Edwards

Pedestrians and the Right of Way

The day before yesterday a 16-year-old girl was killed when trying to cross Highway 10, here in Anoka, after working at McDonald's. The facts of the case were not totally clear from newspaper reports, so it was not certain if the young woman was within a crosswalk or not. Minnesota traffic statutes layout the "Rules of the Road" for pedestrians and drivers as follows
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Robert Edwards

What is No Fault Insurance and Why Should I Care?

As most people are aware Minnesota has mandatory no-fault automobile insurance. But what exactly does that mean? What it doesn't mean is that it doesn't matter whose fault the crash was. Fault is still an important issue in any personal injury claim, but where the "no-fault" part kicks in has to do with where you turn in your accident-related medical expenses or wage loss related expenses.
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Robert Edwards

Meningitis Infections

In the last two weeks there have been quite a few reports of meningitis infections caused from contaminated drugs (mostly steroids) injected into patients for pain control. So far the media has reported that these contaminated drugs came from a single source, a drug company out East. If you or someone you know has developed one of these infections here are some facts you should be aware of:1. It's probably not the doctor's fault.
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Robert Edwards

Greedy Plaintiffs and Their Lawyers

The propaganda machine for the insurance industry and the Chamber of Commerce have convinced many Americans that the real reason for their personal financial difficulties is greedy plaintiffs lawyers and greedy plaintiffs milking a broken civil justice system for jackpots. This is, of course, a lie.
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Robert Edwards

"Permanent" Soft Tissue Sprain? Nonsense!

If you or someone you know has been injured in car accident and has been told that there are permanent soft tissue injuries or some kind of permanent sprain/strain injury, you can almost be guaranteed that the diagnosis is incorrect.Ligaments, muscles and tendons (called soft tissues) are present throughout our bodies. They are in your ankles, your wrists, your elbows, your knees, and up and down your spine.
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Robert Edwards

Motorcycle Accidents

In last week's Star Tribune there was an article reporting a surge in motorcycle deaths on Minnesota roads this year, including five writers killed between September 12 and September 20.The primary cause of these tragedies is the failure of motorists to see the motorcyclist. We have all seen bumper stickers saying "Start Seeing Motorcycles", and it's a good idea.In every motorcycle case I have ever seen the motorcyclist gets the worst end of the deal.
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Robert Edwards

ATV Accidents

In this morning's Star Tribune there was a story about how two people in Minnesota died this past weekend in ATV accidents. One woman was killed when the ATV she was riding on (with three other people, including two children) flipped over. The other person, a 16-year-old boy, was killed when his ATV flipped over after getting a flat tire, pinning him underneath.
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Robert Edwards

Collapsing Decks

It seems that every summer we read about decks collapsing and people getting hurt.  Just last week the Star Tribune reported a massive deck collapse in Forest Lake, with about 20 people involved, one of whom had to be hospitalized.If you are the injured person and not the homeowner, what can you do?  What are your options?
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Robert Edwards

Bar Fights

It seems that about once every three or four months I get a call from someone who has been in a bar fight and they want to sue the other person.  These are usually bad cases for the following reasons:1.  Rarely is the loser totally innocent.  There is usually some contributory fault on the part of both parties.2.  People who get drunk and get in fights in bars generally do not have anything in the way of assets.
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